Mike Palmer is an internationally renowned life/success coach and founder of Success Coaching International. He draws from his many years as a martial arts instructor, his training with personal and business development masters such as Anthony Robbins and Jay Abrahams, as well as his many years experience running his own businesses. He combines all of this into powerful, transformational seminars, workshops and one-on-one training sessions for people all around the world.

I would like to thank my personal coach and friend Mike Palmer who inspired me and guided me in every aspect of my life.

The author of BMC Control-M 7: A Journey from Traditional Batch Scheduling to Workload Automation

If you are looking to take your life to the next level , in whatever area is important to you, be sure to check out www.successcoaching.net.au

Mike has also taken his love for photography and turned that into another successful business which he uses to inspire and empower people through incredible images. He is the founder of www.inspiringimagesinternational.com

In addition to all this, Mike has spent many years pushing himself, learning the truth about how the world operates and how to make a difference on a global scale. Mike is committed to exposing the truth about the injustices of this world, and inspiring and empowering people to learn about, and stand up for, their rights and take control of their lives in all areas.

Mike believes very strongly in karma, truth and justice and has been a long-time, passionate supporter of Aussie Speeding Fines. More recently he has begun working with a number of new groups:


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